Thursday, March 15, 2012

I See Stars Digital Renegade Album Review

1. Gnars Attacks
2. NZT48
3. Digital Renegade
4. Endless Sky (featuring Danny Worsnop of Asking Alexandria)
5. Underneath Every Smile
6. Mystery Wall
7. iBelieve
8. Summer Died In Connersville
9. Electric Forest (featuring Cassadee Pope of Hey Monday)
10. Filth Friends Unite

I See Stars's sophomore album The End Of The World Party was a hit or a miss for fans. Some fans enjoyed the poppy/electronic sound while others longed for the heavier sound found on their 2009 debut 3-D. Leading up to the release of Digital Renegade, I See Stars promised fans a return to their heavy sound, and with the release of Digital Renegade they definitely delivered.I'm going to say this right off the bat, Digital Renegade completely blows 3-D away in every aspect.  Everything about Digital Renegade seems heavier. From the heavy riffs to the unclean vocals from keyboardist Zach Johnson. Personally, I was a fan of The End Of The World Party but each time I listened to it, I felt that something was missing and that it could have been better. The thing that The End Of The World Party was missing is that Zach Johnson's unclean vocals were drastically under utilized. For all those ISS fans that wanted more of Johnson's vocals (myself included), than Digital Renegade is the album for you. Johnson's vocals are utilized way more and it shows off his talents and growth as a vocalist. The unclean vocals are ten times better than they were on 3-D, and songs such as "Mystery Wall", "Endless Sky" and "NZT48" really show off his talents. For those of you that are worrying that  they are abandoning their electronic parts for a more metal sound, then you have nothing to worry about. The electronica/techno parts on the album is one of the main reasons why this album is so addicting. I See Stars really stepped up their electronica/ techno parts and they go perfectly with the heavier parts and are a blast to listen to. From the electronica/techno driven "Electric Forest" which features guest vocals from Cassadee Pope of Hey Monday, to "Filth Friends Unite" which features rave beats to "Gnars Attacks" which has a techno breakdown that will make you want to fist pump along, the electronica/techno parts have been taken to the next level.. Another improvement is the clean vocals of Devin Oliver. Oliver has also grown as a vocalist and is now hitting notes that he was not able to on 3-D. Also Oliver's voice is less auto-tuned and it really gives the album a more live feel. Oliver really shines on the title track "Digital Renegade"and hits some impressive high notes that remind me of ex-Saosin vocalist Cove Rebber.  One of the most enjoyable tracks is "iBelieve" which is a straight up techno/electronica song and is a lot of fun to listen to. The only problem I have with "iBelieve" is that it could have been longer but is still a great song. My personal favorites off Digital Renegade are "Endless Sky", "Electric Forest" and "Gnars Attacks". "Endless Sky" really stands out to me because it has a perfect mixture of everything (breakdowns, unclean vocals, techno and clean vocals) and features Asking Alexandria vocalist Danny Worsnop who just adds to the awesomness of the track. Digital Renegade is a huge step forward for the band and is a lot of fun to listen to. I would go so far to say that as of now it is my favorite album so far this year and it's going to take something really amazing to dethrone Digital Renegade. I highly recommend that you go pick up a copy of Digital Renegade because you do not want to miss out on an album this amazing.

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