Sunday, April 15, 2012

Matt's Warped Tour Survival Guide

Since its getting warmer out and summer is almost upon us, that means it's almost time for the start of the Vans Warped Tour, which is my favorite thing about summer! As someone who has been attending Warped Tour every year since 2006, I decided that I should help those who are new to Warped so that they can make the most of their day.
1) Dress accordingly- I'm not going to lie as funny as it is to watch that guy dressed in a teletubbies costume mosh with a guy in a gorilla suit, on hot days it's not the smartest idea to be one of those guys. Its best to wear light comfortable clothes so you don't pass out from the heat.
2)Bring bottled water and a small backpack- Since its the middle of summer, it can and will get really hot out so you're going to want to stay hydrated. I would recommend bringing a small backpack filled with bottled water to the venue since water can be expensive at the venue.
3) Bring sunscreen and apply it regularly- Bringing sunscreen is a necessity since you're out in the sun all day, you will get burned pretty easily out there. I learned this lesson the hard way at my first Warped Tour and came back with massive sunburns. It's also important to apply it regularly to prevent sunburns. Last year I got lazy and as a result came home with wicked sunburns on my arms and shoulders.
4) Get to the venue early- I highly recommend that you get to the venue early so that you do not have to wait on that long line to get in. Most venues open around 10:30 or 11, so get there early. If you end up having to wait in the long line because you got there late, there is always the possibility that you could miss your favorite band's set.
5)Check out at least one band you never heard before- While many people are there to see the bands that they like, it is highly recommended that you check out a band that you never heard of before. This is a great opportunity to check out new music and you never know you might find one of your new favorite bands. This is how i discovered the electro-rock band Breathe Carolina and I've been a fan since.
6)Check the merch tents for signings-  One of the best thing about Warped Tour is that basically all the bands have signings for the fans. By taking advantage of this you have the opportunity to meet some of your favorite bands. Last year I met former Woe Is Me members Michael Bohn and Ben Ferris who were just chilling at their merch tent and they have to be the nicest and most down to earth musicians that I met.
7)Look out for crowd surfers- One thing about Warped is that there are crowd surfers everywhere in the crowd. If your not paying attention, someone can get hurt. You don't want to let the surfer fall or you don't want to get dropkicked in the face by one (like i was two years ago).
8)Don't go into the pits if your not comfortable- Take it from me, the pits can get wild. You have people moshing and going crazy and if you don't know what your doing in one you can get hurt. I've seen people get knocked out, start to bleed and even hit girls ( not everyone hits girls, but there can be that crazy guy who doesn't care who he hits) in mosh pits. So if you do not feel comfortable going in, then I wouldn't recommend going in. Also do not bring a camera or a phone in the pits as they will get broken.
9) Have fun- The most obvious piece of advice is to just have fun and enjoy yourself and all the awesome music.
For more information on Warped Tour including the lineup and where to buy tickets click here. I'll see anyone coming to the July 21st date at Nassau Colosseum in the pits.

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